2022.10.12 歐洲殖民活動帶來的間接影響:以十七世紀宜蘭原史時期的考古遺址為例



時間:2022/10/12(三)15:00-17:00,會後有hoppy hour





簡介:從15世紀至19世紀間,歐洲殖民的擴張經常對殖民地的原住民社會帶來深遠影響。然而,一些處於殖民中心邊緣的地區,雖然歐洲殖民力量薄弱,但是否有間接影響仍有待研究。 淇武蘭遺址(1350-1850 AD)是台灣東北部鐵器時代晚期的遺址,歷經17世紀歐洲人佔領台灣的時期,與外物品交換十分頻繁,有利於探討歐洲殖民對於中心以外的鄰近地區有何影響。本研究從不同考古材料,包含貿易裝飾品、在地陶器以及墓葬資料,透過空間分析、幾何形態學和網絡分析等方法討論殖民時期前後的變化。研究結果顯示出淇武蘭社會在頻繁的貿易互動下,可能強化了社會不平等現象,但同時,原住民仍持續其文化傳統與傳承如陶器製作。此外,此項研究也展示運用開放科學的方法來提高研究的可重複性。

European expansion from the 15th to 19th centuries often had substantial impacts on local Indigenous societies. However, for some places at the periphery of colonial centers, European colonial power was weak. These indirect effects of colonization are still not well understood. Kiwulan (AD 1350-1850), a major late Iron age site in northeastern Taiwan, provides a unique example to explore the indirect effect of European colonization due to the frequent trade activities during the European colonial period in the 17th century. In this study, I examined changes in different types of archaeological materials such as trade ornaments, locally made pottery, and burial networks using spatial analysis, geometric morphometrics, and network modeling. The result suggests a local experience of both cultural persistence and changes in a pericolonial context. This study also demonstrates an open science approach to improve research reproducibility.