

3. 具英語授課能力者佳。

5.五年內(即 2018 年 10 月 1 日以後)已出版之論文著作目錄表,以及自認足以彰顯
現研究能力與成績之代表著作 1 篇(或屬系列性研究著作)及參考著作(至多 3 篇)。
7.推薦函三封(請推薦人 email 至 zzhggl@gmail.com 或郵寄至國立清華大學人類學
8.上述 1-6 項資料之電子檔,請寄至 ioant@my.nthu.edu.tw
另請將第 1 項履歷表、第 5、6 項著作之紙本一式 7 份,郵寄至 30013 新竹市光復路
二段 101 號國立清華大學人類學研究所。

(三)申請截止日期:2023 年 12 月 8 日。


Faculty Position Announcement

The Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), is seeking a cultural
anthropologist, preferably with research and teaching expertise in digital anthropology, to fill a
fulltime faculty position starting from August 1, 2024. Rank is open and equal consideration will be
given to all qualified applicants.
NTHU is located in Hsinchu City, Taiwan and is one of the most outstanding universities in East
Asia. The university offers competitive salary and benefits as well as research subsidies to
outstanding faculty members. For further information, please visit the Institute’s website at
Application materials and requirements include:

  1.  Application form (as attached) and CV.
  2. Photocopy of doctoral diploma and university certified doctoral transcripts. (The latter is only required for those who are applying for assistant professorship)
  3. A Statement of Research interests & teaching philosophy.
  4. Syllabi for four courses that the applicant is prepared to teach.
  5. A list of publications from within the past five years (i.e. after October 1, 2018), as well as 1 major representative publication (or a series of research works) and up to 3 additional sample publications which are sufficient to demonstrate applicant's research abilities and achievements.The applicant should be the first and/or corresponding author for the representative paper, and the representative publications should be published in peer reviewed scholarly books or journals. If a publication is co-authored, an original copy of verification of the applicant’s contribution to the publication should be provided.
  6. Applicants for assistant professorships should submit their doctoral thesis as their representative work. If the work is not written in Chinese or English, please attach an English or Chinese abstract that is sufficient to express its content.
  7. Three reference letters.
  8. Applicants whose first language is not Chinese are required to have a working-level proficiency in Chinese.

Please send the electronic files of the above Items 1-6 to ioant@my.nthu.edu.tw Please also mail 7
paper copies of Items 1、5、and 6 to the Institute of Anthropology, National Tsinghua University,
No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu City 30013, Taiwan.
Three reference letters should be emailed to Director Cheng-hwa Tsang at zzhggl@gmail.com or

mailed to the Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-
Fu Road, Hsinchu City, 30013, Taiwan.

The application deadline is December 8, 2023.