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Wilkerson, James R. 魏捷茲


魏捷茲  副教授

James R. Wilkerson (Associate Professor)

Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia, 1990.
M.A. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University. Pullman, Washington, 1976.
B.A. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Moorhead State University. Moorhead, Minnesota, 1973.

電話:03-5715131 #42820



經歷 Work Experience

1990-present Associate professor
1988-1989 Visiting Foreign Expert, Institute of Ethnology/ Institute of Nationalities, Kunming, China.


論文著作 Publications

學位論文 Thesis


Other Islands of Chinese History and Religion. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia.

專書論文 Published Articles and Review Articles

In press

The Wancheng Chieftaincy: Social Production And Social Reproduction. In Chieftains into Ancestors: Imperial Expansion and Indigenous Society in Southwest China. David Faure and Ho Ts’ui-p’ing eds. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

2012 Introduction. In Modalities of Change: The Interface of Tradition and Modernity in East Asia. James Wilkerson and Robert Parkin, eds. New York: Berghahn.
2012 Performance as a Mechanism for Social Change. In Modalities of Change: The Interface of Tradition and Modernity in East Asia. James Wilkerson and Robert Parkin, eds. New York: Berghahn.
2011a Negotiating Local Tradition with Taoism: Female Ritual Specialists in the Zhuang Religion. In Women and Gender in Contemporary Chinese Societies: Beyond Han Patriarchy. Du Shanshan and Chen Ya-chen, eds. Pp 34-53. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

論James Scott 高地東南亞新命名Zomia的意義與未來,與何翠萍、黃淑莉合著。歷史人類學學刊9(1):77-100。

2011c 在帝國的羽翼之下:晚清澎湖群島的書院、文人與法律文書。收錄於《區域文化與地 域社會:“區域社會與文化類型”國際學術研討會論文集》,張江華、張佩國編,頁 195-217。上海:學林出版社。


2007 Negotiating Local Tradition with Taoism: Female Ritual Specialists in the Zhuang Religion. Religion 36(4): n.a.
2004 Late Imperial Education and Control: Rural Villages in the Penghu Islands. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 2(1): 141-169.
2003 Disquiet on the Southwestern Front: Studies of the Minorities of Southwest China. Pacific Affairs 76(1): 79-91.
1997 Community Religious Organization in Rural Southeast China and the Obviation of Capitalism. Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore 116: 175-208.
1996 「澎湖群島的村廟『公司』與人觀」,刊於莊英章、潘英海編《臺彎與福建社會文化研究論文集(三),第 221-242 頁。南港:中央研究院民族學研究所。
1995 “Rural Village Temples in the P'enghu Islands.” Council for Culture Planning and Development, Executive Yuan. 18-20 March 1994. Nan K'un-shen, Tainan County. In 寺廟與民間文化研討會論文集,上冊,頁 67-95。 臺北:行政院文化建設委員會。
1994 Self-Referential Performances: Victor Turner and Theoretical Issues in Chinese Performative Genre. Proceedings of Conference on Chinese Ritual and Ritual Theatre 民俗曲藝 90: 99-146.
1993 The “Ritual Master” and His “Temple Corporation” Rituals. Proceedings of Conference on Popular Beliefs and Chinese Culture. Taipei: Center for Chinese Studies, National Library.

編輯文集 Edited Volumes


Modalities of Change: The Interface of Tradition and Modernity in East Asia. New York: Berghahn.Parkin, Robert and James Wilkerson, eds.

2000c Working Papers on Kinship and Economy on the Yun-Gui Plateau. 南港:中央研究院「亞洲季風區高地與低地的社會與文化」主題計畫。
1999e 《雲貴高原的關係稱謂:「雲貴高原的親屬與經濟」計畫第一年度期末報告會議論文集》。南港:中央研究院「亞洲季風區高地與低地的社會與文化」主題計畫。
1996 「澎湖群島的村廟『公司』與人觀」,刊於《台灣與福建社會文化研究論文集(三)》。莊英章、潘英海編,頁221-242。南港:中央研究院民族學研究所。
1995 Rural Village Temples in the P'enghu Islands.”Council for Culture Planning and Development, Executive Yuan. 18-20 March 1994. Nan K'un-shen, Tainan County". In 《寺廟與民間文化研討會論文集》,上冊,頁67-95。臺北:行政院文化建設委員會。
1994 《金門暑期人類學田野工作教室論文集》。南港:中央研究院民族學研究所。余光弘、魏捷茲 編。

會議論文 Conference Papers


Kinship and Marriage In Taiwan During the Republican Era: 1945-2011. Paper presented in Anthropological Study of Taiwan Over the Last Century: Accomplishment and Prospect, Taipei, Taiwan. 18-19 November 2011. With Chen, Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang.


National Minority Language Policy and Language Ideology in the People’s Republic of China in the Post-Reform Era. Paper presented in 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Ethnology and Anthropology, Taipei, Taiwan. 8-9 October 2011. 


Global Fates and Local Lives: Zhuang Taoist Minor Rites. Paper presented in the workshop lecture. Rombouts Graduate Conference: Globalization and Glocalization in China, Amsterdam, Dutch. 6-7 September 2011.

2010a Marital Strategies of Hakka and Hokkien in Literati Families in Hsinchu County, Northern Taiwan in the Last Decades of Qing Dynasty Rule. 發表於「九十九年度四溪計畫期末研討會」。國立交通大學客家文化學院與國際客家研究中心主辦。新竹。2010年12月11日至12日。

Notes toward a Comparison of Relationship Terminologies in Southwest China: An Update on the Paul Benedict and Claude Lévi-Strauss Debate. Paper presented at between China and Southeast Asia: social order, identity and interethnic communication, Münster, Germany. 31 August-1 September.

2009a Fantasy Island: Subjectivity in Taiwan History. Paper presented at the session “Writing History of Subjectivity.” Subjectivity of the Other workshop, Nantou, Taiwan. 28-30 
August 2009.
2009b The Shidong Miao Eight Section Relationship Terminology and it's Implications for 
Lévi-Strauss' ‘Asian Picture. Paper presented at the session “Linguistic Anthropology and the Chinese State Formation.” James Wilkerson, session organizer. Society for East Asia 
Anthropology and Taiwan Society of Anthropology and Ethnology annual meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 2-5 July 2009. 

“'House Societies' in Southwest China through their Relationship Terms.” Paper to be presented at the session “Ethnicity and Ethnic Minorities in China: Borders, Place and the House in Southwest China.” Nicholas Tapp (Australian National University, Canberra), Elisabeth Hsu (University of Oxford, Oxford), and Yang Fuquan (Yunnan Academy of Social Science, Kunming), session organizers. 16th. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Kunming, Yunnan. 27-31 July 2009.



2008a “The Case of ‘The Returning Sleeve’: A Preliminary Analysis of the Shidong Miao Kinship Terminology.”發表於「文化、歷史與區域」研究群之「中國西南人群的歷史與記憶」工作坊。 中央研究院民族學研究所。臺北南港。2008年1月12日。
2008b “Lineages and Affinity in the Wancheng Chieftaincy.” 發表於「西南中國的祖先、地方神與歷史」學術研討會。清華大學人文社會科學研究中心、清華大學人類學研究所與交通大學客家文化學院國際客家研究中心共同主辦。新竹。2008年3月23日至24日。
2008c “The Mingzhi Academy and its Local Political Implications for the Hsinchu Region.” 發表於第二屆臺灣客家研究國際研討會,「客家的形成與變遷(Formation and Transformation of Hakka: Text, Ritual and Everyday Life)-婚姻、家族與宗族議題組」。國立交通大學客家文化學院主辦。新竹。2008年12月20日至21日。

“Lineage Formation Across the Southern Tier of China’s Periphery in Late Imperial Times.” 發表於「中國西南地區文化與社會變遷」國際學術研討會。廣州中山大學歷史人類學研究中心與廣西師範大學歷史、文化與旅遊學院共同主辦。廣西桂林。2007年1月27日至29日。

2007b 盤古瑤親屬稱謂與區域研究的相關性。發表於「區域社會與文化類型」國際學術研討會。上海大學人類學研究中心、上海大學社會學系與上海高校社會學研究院共同主辦。上海。2007年6月29日至7月1日。

“Late Imperial Lineage Formation in the Wancheng Chiefdom.” 發表於「文化、歷史與區域」研究群之「中國西南人群的歷史與記憶」工作坊。 中央研究院民族學研究所。臺北南港。2007年12月23日。

2006 Taoist Performance of Literacy Among the Zhuang in the Guangxi Reigion, People’s Republic of China. Paper presented at the international conference “Imagined Centers and Diverse Peripheries.” Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Nankang, December 2006.
2003 Fertility in Kuibi Harbor Watch. Paper presented at the workshop “Positive or Preventive: Reproduction in Taiwan and the Netherlands.” Project on Historical Demographics of the Ts’ai Yuan-p’ei Research Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Nankang, Deceember, 2003.
2001 State, Religion, and Crisis: Witnessing Disaster in the Penghu Islands in Late Imperial Times. Paper presented at the conference “Anthropology and Religion.” Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica. Nankang, October 2001.
2000a Land and Kinship in Pingjiang Valley, Ludong Township, Jingxi County, Southwestern Guangxi. Paper to be presented at the Conference for the Second Year of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica and Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing Hua University cooperative project Highland and Lowland Cultures and Societies of Monsoon Asia. July, 2000. National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2000b Chinese Sub-Bureaucracy Where There Were No Chinese: Jingxi County, Guangxi Province in Late Imperial Times. Paper presented for the panel History and Historicities of China's Minority Peoples for the Symposium at the American Society for Ethnohistory Annual Meeting. 19-22 October 2000. London, Ontario.
1999a Entextualization in Hongluo Village Community Rituals. Paper presented to the Research Group on Han Society and Culture in Taiwan of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (中央研究院民族所臺彎漢人社會文化研究群). 6 November 1999. Nankang, Taiwan.
1999b Anticipating Memory: “Celebrating Longevity” in Ludong Township, Jingxi County, Southwestern. Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. November 1999. Chicago, IL.

Zhuang Relationship Terminology and Chinese History: Ludong Township, Jingxi County, Southwestern Guangxi. Paper presented at the First Year Project Workshop Kinship and Economy on the Yun-Gui Plateau. Chengjiang, Yunnan.

1999d Lewis Henry Morgan and Kinship on the Yun-Gui Plateau: Past, Present, Future. Paper presented at the Institute of Ethnology, Yunnan Nationalities Institute sponsored ASAA Advanced Seminar on the Social and Cultural Anthropology of China. June 1999. Kunming, Yunnan.
1998a Zhuang Nationality Religious Performances in the Guangxi Self-Governing Region. Paper presented at the Ethnography in China Today: A Critical Assessment of Methods and Results. 14-16 May 1998. Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong.
1998b Minor Marriage in the Penghu Islands. Paper presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. December 1998. Philadelphia, PA.
1997a Theater and Community in Southwest China. Paper presented at the Yunnan University sponsored ASSA Advanced Seminar on the Social and Cultural Anthropology of China. January 1997. Kunming, Yunnan.
1997b Rituals, Conferences, and their "Others." Paper presented at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica sponsored conference Cultural Performance and Anthropology. June 1997. Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan.
1997c Community Religious Organization in Rural Southeast China and the Obviation of Capitalism. Paper presented at the Conference on China’s Rituals, Music, and Theatre and their Social Circumstances. June 1997. Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi. Revised version of Wilkerson 1996a.
1996a Community Religious Organizations in Rural Southeast China and the Obviation of Capitalism. Paper presented at the conference Ritual and Local Community in East Asia University of Montreal, Montreal.
1995 Unconsidered Issues in the Study of Ritual Spheres. Paper presented in the Keynote Panel: Chinese Ritual and Ritual Theatre at the 1995 Chinese Studies Association of Australia Conference. 5-7 July 1995. Sydney, Australia.
1994a Royal Lord Ritual in K'uei-pi Harbor Watch. Paper presented at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica sponsored Workshop on Comparative Studies in Society and Culture in Fukien and Taiwan (Min-T'ai she-hui wen-hua bi-chiao yen-chiu kung-tsuo yen-t'ao hui 閩臺社會文化比較研究工作研討會). (Revised version of essay under the same title for Annual Conference on Eastern Religion [Tung-fang tsung-chiao hsüeh yen-t'ao hui nien-hui 東方宗教學研討會年會]. See below 1992b.)
1994b Productive Consumption and Consumptive Production in Human Relatedness in the P'enghu Islands. American Anthropological Annual Meeting panel "Family, Business, and Culture in East Asia." November 1994. Atlanta, Georgia.
1993 Production and Social Reproduction in the P'enghu Islands. Paper presented at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica sponsored Workshop on Comparative Studies in Society and Culture in Fukien and Taiwan (Min-T'ai she-hui wen-hua bi-chiao yen-chiu kung-tsuo yen-t'ao hui 閩臺社會文化比較研究工作研討會). I-lan, Taiwan. 27-29 May 1993.
1992a Chung-kuo wan-ch'i ti-kuo ti kuo-c hia ti-chih yü jen-kuan: i-ko P'eng-hu ti ko-an 中國晚期帝國的國家體制與人觀:一個澎湖的個案 (The Chinese State in a Rural Village in the Ch'ing Dynasty). Paper presented at Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica and Department of Anthropology, Stanford University sponsored Workshop on Comparative Studies in Society and Culture in Fukien and Taiwan (Min-T'ai she-hui wen-hua bi-chiao yen-chiu kung-tsuo yen-t'ao hui 閩臺社會文化比較研究工作研討會). Taipei, Taiwan. 22-23 June 1992.
1992b Royal Lords in the P'enghu Islands. Annual Meeting on Eastern Religion (Tung-fang tsung-jiao hsüeh yen-t’ao hui nien-hui 東方宗教學研討會年會). Taipei, Taiwan. 7-8 September 1992.

序與跋 Introduction and Afterwards



1994 序:人類學朝聖研究的新禾。收錄在黃美英著《臺灣媽祖的香火與儀式》。頁1-10。臺北:自立晚報出版。
1994 跋:黃樹民與葉書記–評黃樹民《林村的故事:一九四九後的中國農村變革》。收錄在《林村的故事:一九四九後的中國農村變革》。黃樹民著、素蘭譯。頁313-320。臺北:張老師出版社。與何翠萍合著。

報章雜誌 Newspaper

1994 人權的悍將學術的異端:美國新保守主義旗手毛思迪。中國時報,43版,4月14日。